A Rose – bead embroidery on canvas

It has been some time since I have finished and sent off “The Brain Project” to Toronto. I typically don’t create art under deadlines, but “The Brain Project” had to be completed in under 2 months. Several weeks after shipping out the brain sculpture I created, I found out that thanks to the coronavirus, the exhibition will not longer be taking place in Nathan Phillips Square. Bummer… Well, it least it will still be happening, just at a different location.

A portion of the Brain I created.

Before I found out that my proposal was accepted to this exhibition, I had some crazy ideas swirling around in my head for what my next SciArt project should be. But due to the deadlines, I had to double down and focus all of my time and energy on getting it done on time. And then, after I was done, I just couldn’t bring myself to choosing a new SciArt project.

While mulling over what my next SciArt project should be, I could not sit still. I decided to revisit an old passion of painting flowers. I have very fond memories of my 7th grade art teacher, who taught me the basics of acrylic painting. After not having painted for more years than I would like to admit, I tried to excavate some of the blending techniques I initially learned in his class.

Furthermore, I decided to combine several art forms that I have learned at different stages of my life. They include decoupage, painting and bead embroidery. Ironically, as I progressed from one technique to another, each one completely covered my previous efforts. In the future I will need to figure out a way to leave more of the painting visible.

This is still a work in progress that I will finish soon.

I am planning to make a series of these small (4” x 4”) frames with different flowers that I will paint and/or embroider. They will be available in my Etsy Shop, where I sell my more affordable artwork. Hope you check them out in the coming weeks!

Art is my emotional outlet and my oasis.  I use art to express my feelings and work through life issues.  Come join me on this journey of letting go of control and letting the creative process take over.  You will get access to all of the behind the scenes footage and see the major breakthroughs that translate into new artwork.

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